Lucky Joy Wells presents...
NEW Super- Star Mind- Body Programs help stressed people around the world to gain new vibrancy and happiness with trailblazing neuroscience tools and the instant rewards of peace, joy and vitality.
NEW Super- Star Mind- Body Programs help stressed people around the world to gain new vibrancy and happiness with trailblazing neuroscience tools and the instant rewards of peace, joy and vitality.
Reboot to Joy for Stress Eaters--
Startup Coaching Link Here
Startup Coaching Link Here

Reboot to Joy Coaching--
To get you started and comfortable with using the tools of brain science.
A message from Lucky--
The simplest, quickest way to get started is coaching one to one. This Individual Coaching is geared to your individual need and varies for each person. I have many helpful tools and methods, depending on your circumstance. If you'd like to explore options for that work, contact me. We'll talk, figure out if we're a good fit, and make arrangements that work for both of us and suits your personal circumstances.
Reboot to Joy Neuroscience Tools -- A Universal Need
One of the best, most needed coaching tools today uses neuroscience methods, teaching the emotional brain new ways of reacting to and relating in life through an actual re- wiring of its circuitry. It targets mal- adaptive pathways long established, often encoded by accident or through trauma. Not born from or reflective of our best thinking, these pathways are persistent, recurrent and rarely changed in any lasting way through other methods. With brain science we can set them right for life, reclaiming our healthy thinking, our vitality, our right to love well, to be loved well and to hear and take super- good care of ourselves.
To get you started and comfortable with using the tools of brain science.
A message from Lucky--
The simplest, quickest way to get started is coaching one to one. This Individual Coaching is geared to your individual need and varies for each person. I have many helpful tools and methods, depending on your circumstance. If you'd like to explore options for that work, contact me. We'll talk, figure out if we're a good fit, and make arrangements that work for both of us and suits your personal circumstances.
Reboot to Joy Neuroscience Tools -- A Universal Need
One of the best, most needed coaching tools today uses neuroscience methods, teaching the emotional brain new ways of reacting to and relating in life through an actual re- wiring of its circuitry. It targets mal- adaptive pathways long established, often encoded by accident or through trauma. Not born from or reflective of our best thinking, these pathways are persistent, recurrent and rarely changed in any lasting way through other methods. With brain science we can set them right for life, reclaiming our healthy thinking, our vitality, our right to love well, to be loved well and to hear and take super- good care of ourselves.
Powerful Basics: De- Stress to Joy Brain Rewire Program with app
Modules include Emotional Competency, Self- Mastery, Health Wisdom,
Super- Vitality & more
Reboot to Joy for Stress Eaters--
Startup Coaching Link Here
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