More About This Path

4 Way Joy Recovery --
Free for the Sharing of it
Four Positive Principles --
10 Transformative Steps
Free for the Sharing of it
Four Positive Principles --
10 Transformative Steps
The Four Principles are:
Serenity, Love, Joy and the Truthful, Authentic Heart
Serenity, Love, Joy and the Truthful, Authentic Heart
More about the Steps
We use our ten step plan to develop a stronger connection to the principles of a serene, truthful, loving and joyful life as the principal basis of our lives. From 1920 to now, they’re a boon to millions recovered from being stuck in avoidance, due to or through their own faulty beliefs, workaholism, chronic stress or illness reactions, addictions, etc. and/or other escape behaviors.
This platform brings daily focus and action to the four principles of honesty, love, serenity and joy using clear steps, mini-meditations, quick turn- arounds, support and community. It changed brain patterns through daily transformative action. It’s a powerful option especially when used with the more directly neuroscientific effects and instant rewards of the Joy 10X program.
Steps 1- 4 -- We come to believe and commit to in a greater connection than our own selves that can restore us to healthy thinking and action. It can be our community group or whatever we choose. Many here work with a spiritual "Greater Force" than ourselves as we understand it. Some call it Spirit or God. Though we may have doubts in this endeavor, we soon see that the hoops we need to jump through are actually as roomy and vast as the great Forces of life. It can be as easy as saying, “I am now willing to be open for help”. Then we are ready to move ahead with the rest of the steps. If we’re not, we may just need to go slower we take what time we need, using logic, self- questioning and other tools to be sure our hearts and minds are fully with us in making a fair commitment to sincere forward action.
Step # 5-- Taking Stock & Keeping it Simple--
Now at step 5, we begin the real work of developing stronger connection to honesty, unselfishness, purity and love as the primary basis of our lives. For the next few steps we will need some help but when we’re committed to this new way of life, we often find that the help comes amazingly fast.
In Step 5 we begin taking a rough accounting of our true nature and our gifts, graces, and "baggage" through life.
We can do this in a couple of hours or spread it out over a few days. We keep it simple, just hitting the high points for we’ll be continuing in this as the need arises throughout our time in this program. We use a particular format that helps us focus on our own issues and wrongs, mistaken beliefs, weakness and strengths, briefly writing out the mis- connections of our past, our relationships, our pent- up anger, harms done, etc. We’re seeking the the long view on our unhelpful attitudes, beliefs, fears, etc.
The Tool of Writing – Writing, if we can do it, brings our issues directly into the light. We see it in front of us in black and white, so there’s not much escaping involved. Writing is a valuable tool that helps us advance strongly. Often, previously unseen patterns emerge that are key to our mis-connections and to creating a better life. Seeing the truth of who we are and our choices often means we must write them out on paper. This action often powerfully redoubles our own understanding and thus our ability for change.
We write about our challenging issues, not to condemn but to clear them and move quickly on. And it works! We can use this tool at any point, for example:
People-- families, friends, partners, parents, authority figures, co-workers: anything we use as an escape or that’s has been a problem or potential problem in our lives such as substances, money, drugs, food, sex, fantasy, etc.
Feelings: We write about our anger and resentments, fears, values, loves, etc.
A Higher Power:-- if we decide to use this valuable tool, we may need to look at our conceptions and their roots; our limitations and our choices today.
We write about our victories, strengths, weaknesses or failings, and the positives in our lives that we can rely on. If writing is a problem, we ask for help.
In Step 6. We share our personal inventory with someone we trust, opening to feedback, self- acceptance, forgiveness, and correction. This step in itself is freeing as too often we’ve kept secrets which harm us by that very fact. Thus comes the saying, “We’re only as sick as our secrets.” Too many have held secret shame or considered our issues too strange or too personal to tell anyone. The lonelieness, the estrangement of that can’t help but hurt us. Getting it all out and being accepted regardless is a huge release for many of us.
In Steps 7 - 10 we become fully willing to amend our ways. We let go of our defects one day at a time, humbly asking for help to remove them, committing to righting our wrongs and making amends to those we have harmed including ourselves as appropriate. We get into service as soon as we're able, helping others to this new path of life so they too can enjoy more serenity, truthfulness, love and joy in their lives. Sharing these steps and helping the process along is vital in our own learning and growing, and staying active in self- growth and the path of the Truthful Heart.
The heart of these steps is in the principles. As soon as we've made a good start with them, we’re able we begin helping others to this new path of life. This helps us keep on and grow in the path as well as passing on what’s so freely given so that others can also enjoy more of this healing. Stepping into our new, serene way of life, we continue practicing these principles in daily connection with small meditations, quick turn- around methods, stock- taking, accountability and prompt amends.
We don't do any of this alone-- having help from another who has done this step helps us separate out what may be helpful from the harmful. Our ongoing truthful inventory and dailies may include questions to help bring our thinking and values into line with healthy thinking and our world, ie.: "What feels true to me?" "On what basis do i believe this?" "Is it true?" " How do I live my life in regards to that-- or not?", "How can I change this?", etc. Our Daily Plan for may include specifics such as abstinence from problem behaviors or ways of thinking. We may substitute positive activities, re-programing ourselves through better attitudes and ongoing practices such as 10X Joy check- ins, meditation, gratitude, self- nurturing and the like.
The key to self-mastery is "self- forgetting" but first we must remember the truth of our essence and of the Source within which answers are held. Our inner explorations are never fully done. There is always room for growth, and in this our hearts are truly filled. "Progress, not Perfection" is our credo.
More about the Steps
We use our ten step plan to develop a stronger connection to the principles of a serene, truthful, loving and joyful life as the principal basis of our lives. From 1920 to now, they’re a boon to millions recovered from being stuck in avoidance, due to or through their own faulty beliefs, workaholism, chronic stress or illness reactions, addictions, etc. and/or other escape behaviors.
This platform brings daily focus and action to the four principles of honesty, love, serenity and joy using clear steps, mini-meditations, quick turn- arounds, support and community. It changed brain patterns through daily transformative action. It’s a powerful option especially when used with the more directly neuroscientific effects and instant rewards of the Joy 10X program.
Steps 1- 4 -- We come to believe and commit to in a greater connection than our own selves that can restore us to healthy thinking and action. It can be our community group or whatever we choose. Many here work with a spiritual "Greater Force" than ourselves as we understand it. Some call it Spirit or God. Though we may have doubts in this endeavor, we soon see that the hoops we need to jump through are actually as roomy and vast as the great Forces of life. It can be as easy as saying, “I am now willing to be open for help”. Then we are ready to move ahead with the rest of the steps. If we’re not, we may just need to go slower we take what time we need, using logic, self- questioning and other tools to be sure our hearts and minds are fully with us in making a fair commitment to sincere forward action.
Step # 5-- Taking Stock & Keeping it Simple--
Now at step 5, we begin the real work of developing stronger connection to honesty, unselfishness, purity and love as the primary basis of our lives. For the next few steps we will need some help but when we’re committed to this new way of life, we often find that the help comes amazingly fast.
In Step 5 we begin taking a rough accounting of our true nature and our gifts, graces, and "baggage" through life.
We can do this in a couple of hours or spread it out over a few days. We keep it simple, just hitting the high points for we’ll be continuing in this as the need arises throughout our time in this program. We use a particular format that helps us focus on our own issues and wrongs, mistaken beliefs, weakness and strengths, briefly writing out the mis- connections of our past, our relationships, our pent- up anger, harms done, etc. We’re seeking the the long view on our unhelpful attitudes, beliefs, fears, etc.
The Tool of Writing – Writing, if we can do it, brings our issues directly into the light. We see it in front of us in black and white, so there’s not much escaping involved. Writing is a valuable tool that helps us advance strongly. Often, previously unseen patterns emerge that are key to our mis-connections and to creating a better life. Seeing the truth of who we are and our choices often means we must write them out on paper. This action often powerfully redoubles our own understanding and thus our ability for change.
We write about our challenging issues, not to condemn but to clear them and move quickly on. And it works! We can use this tool at any point, for example:
People-- families, friends, partners, parents, authority figures, co-workers: anything we use as an escape or that’s has been a problem or potential problem in our lives such as substances, money, drugs, food, sex, fantasy, etc.
Feelings: We write about our anger and resentments, fears, values, loves, etc.
A Higher Power:-- if we decide to use this valuable tool, we may need to look at our conceptions and their roots; our limitations and our choices today.
We write about our victories, strengths, weaknesses or failings, and the positives in our lives that we can rely on. If writing is a problem, we ask for help.
In Step 6. We share our personal inventory with someone we trust, opening to feedback, self- acceptance, forgiveness, and correction. This step in itself is freeing as too often we’ve kept secrets which harm us by that very fact. Thus comes the saying, “We’re only as sick as our secrets.” Too many have held secret shame or considered our issues too strange or too personal to tell anyone. The lonelieness, the estrangement of that can’t help but hurt us. Getting it all out and being accepted regardless is a huge release for many of us.
In Steps 7 - 10 we become fully willing to amend our ways. We let go of our defects one day at a time, humbly asking for help to remove them, committing to righting our wrongs and making amends to those we have harmed including ourselves as appropriate. We get into service as soon as we're able, helping others to this new path of life so they too can enjoy more serenity, truthfulness, love and joy in their lives. Sharing these steps and helping the process along is vital in our own learning and growing, and staying active in self- growth and the path of the Truthful Heart.
The heart of these steps is in the principles. As soon as we've made a good start with them, we’re able we begin helping others to this new path of life. This helps us keep on and grow in the path as well as passing on what’s so freely given so that others can also enjoy more of this healing. Stepping into our new, serene way of life, we continue practicing these principles in daily connection with small meditations, quick turn- around methods, stock- taking, accountability and prompt amends.
We don't do any of this alone-- having help from another who has done this step helps us separate out what may be helpful from the harmful. Our ongoing truthful inventory and dailies may include questions to help bring our thinking and values into line with healthy thinking and our world, ie.: "What feels true to me?" "On what basis do i believe this?" "Is it true?" " How do I live my life in regards to that-- or not?", "How can I change this?", etc. Our Daily Plan for may include specifics such as abstinence from problem behaviors or ways of thinking. We may substitute positive activities, re-programing ourselves through better attitudes and ongoing practices such as 10X Joy check- ins, meditation, gratitude, self- nurturing and the like.
The key to self-mastery is "self- forgetting" but first we must remember the truth of our essence and of the Source within which answers are held. Our inner explorations are never fully done. There is always room for growth, and in this our hearts are truly filled. "Progress, not Perfection" is our credo.
Ready to begin your Journey?
Contact Lucky for a Mentor, Guide or helper through the steps.
Contact Lucky for a Mentor, Guide or helper through the steps.
Daily Check ins & Accountability
Our Check- ins use the Four Proactive Principles of Serenity, Love, Joy and the Truthful Heart.
Just as most of us eat three times a day, we also need our spiritual food-- morning, noon and night.
We use daily check- ins, morning, noon and night with accountability as needed.
Principle by principle— Can do all or just one at each check in.
Feel a point of Serenity
Engage a moment of Love
Feel a point of Joy
Feel a point of Truth
Stock- Taking (done once a day, as needed or as you wish)
Especially morn & eve-- We may ask ourselves such questions as--
* Principles: What am I serene/ loving/ joyful/ honest about today? What am I doing for my serenity/ love/ joy/ truthfulness today? etc. What brings me Love today?
*Anti- Principles: Did I mis-create my goals by thoughts or actions that act against my principles?
Am I (or was I) selfish, angry, fearful or dishonest? If so, I can follow the 4 way steps to freedom--
1. Ask help (removal) 2. Reveal/ Share/ Discuss as needed 3. Make amends if needed
4. Turn my thoughts to someone I can help
Daily Accountability Overview
At night (or anytime) we do an Accountability check in using the stock- taking method outlined above. Sooner than we know it, our lives are being transformed before our eyes.
Our Check- ins use the Four Proactive Principles of Serenity, Love, Joy and the Truthful Heart.
Just as most of us eat three times a day, we also need our spiritual food-- morning, noon and night.
We use daily check- ins, morning, noon and night with accountability as needed.
Principle by principle— Can do all or just one at each check in.
Feel a point of Serenity
Engage a moment of Love
Feel a point of Joy
Feel a point of Truth
Stock- Taking (done once a day, as needed or as you wish)
Especially morn & eve-- We may ask ourselves such questions as--
* Principles: What am I serene/ loving/ joyful/ honest about today? What am I doing for my serenity/ love/ joy/ truthfulness today? etc. What brings me Love today?
*Anti- Principles: Did I mis-create my goals by thoughts or actions that act against my principles?
Am I (or was I) selfish, angry, fearful or dishonest? If so, I can follow the 4 way steps to freedom--
1. Ask help (removal) 2. Reveal/ Share/ Discuss as needed 3. Make amends if needed
4. Turn my thoughts to someone I can help
Daily Accountability Overview
At night (or anytime) we do an Accountability check in using the stock- taking method outlined above. Sooner than we know it, our lives are being transformed before our eyes.
4 Way Joy PDF >
Learn more-- Free E-books--
Get Your Stress Epidemic Breakthrough Release E- book
with The 10- Second Stress Relief Formula E-Book & a taste of the Reboot to Joy Formula. Breakthroughs in neuroscience tools are happy, fun, easy, effective and long- lasting. We use the brain's own methods to rewire chronic stress, lift us to happiness and our highest good and reduce stress and dysfunction. The process transforms problematic or overblown stress reactions, creating lasting relief and prevention for the future.
It all happens in mini- breaks of just a few minutes a day as we focus on our joy and happiness which grows as we use the tools.
with The 10- Second Stress Relief Formula E-Book & a taste of the Reboot to Joy Formula. Breakthroughs in neuroscience tools are happy, fun, easy, effective and long- lasting. We use the brain's own methods to rewire chronic stress, lift us to happiness and our highest good and reduce stress and dysfunction. The process transforms problematic or overblown stress reactions, creating lasting relief and prevention for the future.
It all happens in mini- breaks of just a few minutes a day as we focus on our joy and happiness which grows as we use the tools.
Get your Simple Stress Relief E- book here
For Stress Eaters--
Free E-Book -- The 10- Second Stress Relief Formula
for Stress, Eating & Joy
Breakthroughs in neuroscience reveal the brain's own methods to rewire chronic stress reducing overeating and dysfunction. The entire process happens in a few fun minutes a few times a day through focusing on your happiness.
The secret?
Be Happy and you won’t crave the excesses!
Your Mini- Reboot to Joy gets you there in 10 - 60 seconds. Longer processes transform brain function for the long term, creating lasting relief, greater joy. and freedom from unhealthy cravings. Get it here
Free E-Book -- The 10- Second Stress Relief Formula
for Stress, Eating & Joy
Breakthroughs in neuroscience reveal the brain's own methods to rewire chronic stress reducing overeating and dysfunction. The entire process happens in a few fun minutes a few times a day through focusing on your happiness.
The secret?
Be Happy and you won’t crave the excesses!
Your Mini- Reboot to Joy gets you there in 10 - 60 seconds. Longer processes transform brain function for the long term, creating lasting relief, greater joy. and freedom from unhealthy cravings. Get it here
Reboot to Joy Startup Coaching Page Here
More — A Few Quick Happy Tips
• For a healthy happy life, value and take time for simple pleasures, for love and having fun.
• Supportive, caring relationships matter and build health and happiness.
• Be kind and gentle to yourself, especially so in hard times.
• Take care of your mind & body needs and inner balance-- being happy helps you do this.
• Learn to forgive-- and especially to forgive yourself!
* Take a kindly view of yourself and others, kind in self-talk and action.
• Ask for help if you need it, give and get support-- we all need it!
• Authentic happiness includes giving-- Learn to give in balance with your life.
• Learn to listen to what you need, to balance work, service, play, love and relationships.
• For a healthy happy life, value and take time for simple pleasures, for love and having fun.
• Supportive, caring relationships matter and build health and happiness.
• Be kind and gentle to yourself, especially so in hard times.
• Take care of your mind & body needs and inner balance-- being happy helps you do this.
• Learn to forgive-- and especially to forgive yourself!
* Take a kindly view of yourself and others, kind in self-talk and action.
• Ask for help if you need it, give and get support-- we all need it!
• Authentic happiness includes giving-- Learn to give in balance with your life.
• Learn to listen to what you need, to balance work, service, play, love and relationships.