Lucky Joy Wells presents...
NEW Super- Star Mind- Body Programs helping stressed, fatigued people to regain vibrancy with trailblazing neuroscience tools bringing instant rewards of peace, joy and vitality.
NEW Super- Star Mind- Body Programs helping stressed, fatigued people to regain vibrancy with trailblazing neuroscience tools bringing instant rewards of peace, joy and vitality.
Powerful Basics: De- Stress to Joy Brain Rewire Program with app
Modules include Emotional Competency, Self- Mastery, Health Wisdom and Super- Vitality
plus The Most Vital Core of Nature's Wellness knowledge.
Program Module Topics
Topics-- Personal Development: Support-- Busting Denial; People, Plan for Support/ Setting the Stage; Top Motivational Tools; Emotional Competence --Knowing Yourself (ongoing through the modules) The importance of Personal Investigation; Your Story/ Timeline (ongoing)
Spiritual Connection – Purpose, Meaning, Investigation;
Inquiry/ Adjustment: Belief, Happiness in Virtue, Giving & Service
Your Virtues, Preciousness, Story; Love, Compassion & God-Self- Kindness,
Adversity-- Foundation, Awakening, Breaking & Remaking: Perks & Tools
Community, Connection, Purpose, Contribution; Assessing, What’s Next?/ Celebrating
In addition to the module topics and tools listed, each week’s unit includes a short video or presentation specifically on health, energy and natural health.
Most sections offer time for sharing vital personal stories, learnings, wellness benchmarks and goals, virtues, personal investigation, spiritual endeavors, joy and success.
Topics-- Body- Mind Wellness
Check ins, Wheel of Wellness; Needs of Life Pdf; Wheel of Self Care: Vision for Wellness
Support Check- up and Setup;
Emotions, Coping & Stress/Emotional Eating-- Detach and Rewire
Exercise Creative-- Finding your style: what suits and creates fun
Your own Happy Balance: Finding what you like and doing it more
Awareness, Mindfulness, Self- Compassion and Meditation;
Motivation; Busting Denial-- Discussion, Self- Test and Materials
Your Happiness Circle; Social Relationships; Deepened Spiritual Connection
The Happiness/ Virtue/ Gratitude/ Authenticity Connection
Personal Investigation Support; a Life Based on Truthfulness and Truth as we find it;
Life Purpose Priority Re- Check Knowing thyself; Allover Goals; Fulfillment
Contribution Considered– for Ourselves and Our World
A Bigger Picture-- Body- Mind -Soul, Unity and Community
Topics-- Natural Health
Each module begins with a few minutes on Wellness Topics, Q & A plus Basics and
Four Core Power- Packed Videos – 10- 15 minutes per each, Links included
* Basics of Natural Health- 9 min.; * The Cause of Disease * Stages of Disease;
* Laws of Physiology in Human Wellness Plus Handouts
* Health is Taught not Bought
* Masquerading as Wellness-- Tolerance and Progressive Disease
* No “Cures”; Drugging in Health and Disease; “Under- the- Radar daily drugging
* Circadian Rhythms; Elimination & Breakfasting,
* Germs and Contagion in Wellness and Illness
* Eating for your Best Energy ; Food, Addiction: Mindfully Eating;
* Your Best Food; Human Disposition & Physiology; Eating for Superior Wellness
* Good Intentions-- The Need of Constant Review & Renewal
* Good Intentions-- What to Avoid: Treatments, Hospitalization, Tests, etc.
Resources & Tools
1. Module Topics-- In- Class Inquiry Introduction, Discussion & Learning
Learning and tools are presented in each module, reflecting the most vital areas of growth for wellness, resilience and a happy, lower- stress life based on solid inner foundations.
2. Sensible, scientific natural wellness knowledge and personal support for its implementation is provided within the class setting.
3. Happiness and self mastery knowledge is taught, shared and practiced weekly.
4. Personal Story Connection and Sharing supports emotional competency and mastery.
5. The 10 X Joy program is supported, learned, renewed and practiced weekly, a powerful, permanent solution for growing self- mastery through re- wiring the emotional brain. The app provided offers a handy, user- friendly and engaging experience that keeps you active in the retraining program.
Topics-- Personal Development: Support-- Busting Denial; People, Plan for Support/ Setting the Stage; Top Motivational Tools; Emotional Competence --Knowing Yourself (ongoing through the modules) The importance of Personal Investigation; Your Story/ Timeline (ongoing)
Spiritual Connection – Purpose, Meaning, Investigation;
Inquiry/ Adjustment: Belief, Happiness in Virtue, Giving & Service
Your Virtues, Preciousness, Story; Love, Compassion & God-Self- Kindness,
Adversity-- Foundation, Awakening, Breaking & Remaking: Perks & Tools
Community, Connection, Purpose, Contribution; Assessing, What’s Next?/ Celebrating
In addition to the module topics and tools listed, each week’s unit includes a short video or presentation specifically on health, energy and natural health.
Most sections offer time for sharing vital personal stories, learnings, wellness benchmarks and goals, virtues, personal investigation, spiritual endeavors, joy and success.
Topics-- Body- Mind Wellness
Check ins, Wheel of Wellness; Needs of Life Pdf; Wheel of Self Care: Vision for Wellness
Support Check- up and Setup;
Emotions, Coping & Stress/Emotional Eating-- Detach and Rewire
Exercise Creative-- Finding your style: what suits and creates fun
Your own Happy Balance: Finding what you like and doing it more
Awareness, Mindfulness, Self- Compassion and Meditation;
Motivation; Busting Denial-- Discussion, Self- Test and Materials
Your Happiness Circle; Social Relationships; Deepened Spiritual Connection
The Happiness/ Virtue/ Gratitude/ Authenticity Connection
Personal Investigation Support; a Life Based on Truthfulness and Truth as we find it;
Life Purpose Priority Re- Check Knowing thyself; Allover Goals; Fulfillment
Contribution Considered– for Ourselves and Our World
A Bigger Picture-- Body- Mind -Soul, Unity and Community
Topics-- Natural Health
Each module begins with a few minutes on Wellness Topics, Q & A plus Basics and
Four Core Power- Packed Videos – 10- 15 minutes per each, Links included
* Basics of Natural Health- 9 min.; * The Cause of Disease * Stages of Disease;
* Laws of Physiology in Human Wellness Plus Handouts
* Health is Taught not Bought
* Masquerading as Wellness-- Tolerance and Progressive Disease
* No “Cures”; Drugging in Health and Disease; “Under- the- Radar daily drugging
* Circadian Rhythms; Elimination & Breakfasting,
* Germs and Contagion in Wellness and Illness
* Eating for your Best Energy ; Food, Addiction: Mindfully Eating;
* Your Best Food; Human Disposition & Physiology; Eating for Superior Wellness
* Good Intentions-- The Need of Constant Review & Renewal
* Good Intentions-- What to Avoid: Treatments, Hospitalization, Tests, etc.
Resources & Tools
1. Module Topics-- In- Class Inquiry Introduction, Discussion & Learning
Learning and tools are presented in each module, reflecting the most vital areas of growth for wellness, resilience and a happy, lower- stress life based on solid inner foundations.
2. Sensible, scientific natural wellness knowledge and personal support for its implementation is provided within the class setting.
3. Happiness and self mastery knowledge is taught, shared and practiced weekly.
4. Personal Story Connection and Sharing supports emotional competency and mastery.
5. The 10 X Joy program is supported, learned, renewed and practiced weekly, a powerful, permanent solution for growing self- mastery through re- wiring the emotional brain. The app provided offers a handy, user- friendly and engaging experience that keeps you active in the retraining program.
Also see Lucky's Site for Health, Happiness and Great Water for Health at your home tap. May your Health always be Happy & Fun --
For more Fun Health also see Lucky's -- Laughter Wellness May your Health always be Happy & Fun --
For more Fun Health also see Lucky's -- Laughter Wellness
More to come...
Or go here to Read More from the indispensible Core of Natural Health Drug Free Logical, Scientific, Superior Information Drug Free Logical, Scientific, Superior Information

Happiness and Self- Mastery can start with foundations of Spirit,
for the Spirit- centered, often its focused on Love, service, happiness, joy and the heart.
For more about Lucky and Spiritual Connections see Lucky's Blog
Happiness and Self- Mastery can start with foundations of Spirit,
for the Spirit- centered, often its focused on Love, service, happiness, joy and the heart.
For more about Lucky and Spiritual Connections see Lucky's Blog