COACH This is my launch stuff for EPM
8 subject line templates you learned in this training. Finish the first couple emails so you can start sending them out this week!
EMAIL 1 or FB etc
1st Touch is the Freebie invite, whether you send that out via social media, emails or partners.
• The 2nd Touch is your squeeze page where they opt-in for your free gift. •
The 3rd Touch is the confirmation page.
• EMAIL 2 The 4th Touch is your email delivering value.
• The 5th Touch
is the value itself.
ALl that to get them to have the freebie MUST BE DONE BEFORE EMAILING
• EMAIL 3 Then the 6th Touch either reinforces the initial value sent (for example by telling a story about someone who used the gift) or adds additional value (through a second related fast result gift).
• EMAIL 4 Then in the 7th touch you either add additional value (through a third fast result gift) or give the same gift in another format (if you provided a PDF, try doing an audio or video; if you did an audio or video, try a PDF) to appeal to people with different learning styles.
– Facebook invites to Freebie
Free 2021 Freebie
Get your Free Stress Epidemic Breakthrough Release"
for Happiness, De-Stress and Stress Eating Recovery. It gives you a taste of the Joy 10X formula that re- wires the brain in happy, fun mini- breaks of just 3-5 easy minutes through your day. It’s a breakthrough from neuroscience – amazing, effective, and life- changing with lasting results to free up stress related issues with long- lasting results while raising happiness setpoint levels.
For many it holds great hope, perhaps a true revolution for the human brain or even the breakthrough evolution our world so badly needs.
Get the Freebie-- “Your Stress Epidemic Breakthrough Release"
for Happiness, De- Stress and Stress Eating recovery
Freebie call offer separate
Free 2021 Freebie
Get your Free Stress Epidemic Breakthrough Release"
for Happiness, De-Stress and Stress Eating Recovery. It gives you a taste of the Joy 10X formula that re- wires the brain in happy, fun mini- breaks of just 3-5 easy minutes through your day. It’s a breakthrough from neuroscience – amazing, effective, and life- changing with lasting results to free up stress related issues with long- lasting results while raising happiness setpoint levels.
For many it holds great hope, perhaps a true revolution for the human brain or even the breakthrough evolution our world so badly needs.
Get the Freebie-- “Your Stress Epidemic Breakthrough Release"
for Happiness, De- Stress and Stress Eating recovery
Freebie call offer separate
- PERSONAL Email from my personal email addresses
inviting people to fast result gift freebie incl small content telling them if its ok I will send 1 or 2 more content emails to uplift i& possibly pique interest
2020 &- 2021 are good times to re- connect, and here you are right in my email. so here goes!
Amazing things have come to me here on Kaua’i. My top news here is momentous for me-- the launching online of my new 10 X Joy Program. My Happiness Coaching, you see, was totally mind-blown by a new neuroscience creation exponentially advancing the joy method for de- stress and stress eating in my niche.
It’s an actual re-training for the emotional brain that makes it easy to change up stress and bad habits for a happier life, Sadly, it's too little known. Its done in happy, fun little breaks of a few minutes throughout the day. In use for some years, it's shown to be highly effective and more permanent than many methods. It can free up trauma, release stress and stress eating and more. Long- standing brain circuits that cause over- stress become re-set through this process in a lasting way. And it's all done at home, simply and effectively through uplifting the happiness setpoint.
For its growing fan base it brings great hope, even a revolution for the human mind. It could be the real evolution for the brain for us to live more sanely and serenely and much more through kindness and the heart. To me its the breakthrough we so badly need for our world, and you know I’m all about that! I hope you’ll give it a try.
Email me for my Freebie 2021 and get a small taste of the Joy10X method
“Your Stress Epidemic Breakthrough Release "
For De- Stress, Stress Eating Recovery, Happiness and Health
Luckyjoy MY NUMBER ################### Call or Text-- I’d love to hear.
Freebie call offer separate
OFFER --- FREE Call “taste” the method. Do THIS On 2nd go- round in a few months
When they opt in---
EMAIL 2 message delivering the freebie and encouraging consumption & linking it to my new coaching Playshop,, etc. Gives an Unsubscribe option
**** if they DON’T opt in--
Im not sure what to do-- it does ot have to be right away. THis is my personal email Im using so
thats ok
For people from my mailchimp list need not opted in follow up?
EMAIL 2 for opted in
A Start is made... havent finished ...
Are you Stressed and Don’t Know it?
Chronic negative stress can kill. Doctors say its likely behind responsible 80% of our disease states. The chemicals release in stress can really destroy your body. Yet we’re so great at carrying on in the face of adversity that very often we don't even notice it. That doesn’t make it any less dangerous.
Here are a few rather odd signs that you may be stressed:
Increased Illness
You get sick more often and it lasts longer than it used to
In prolonged stress, cortisol stops falls down on the job of regulating immune cells, increasing the chance of getting and staying sick longer. Stress can cause chronic inflammation and really break you down.
Hair Loss
Losing your hair could be a sign of stress. Inflammation doesn't just make you sick. It can also stunt hair growth, or worse, make those beautiful locks fall out altogether. Again, seeing the loss can cause more stress, leading to more hair loss, creating more stress, etc.
The Battle of the Bowel
Research shows a strong link between the brain and the gut, and stress affects everyone’s bowels differently. It can rev things up; for others, it causes blockage or abdominal pain.
Canker Sores
Stress is often expressed through the mouth. Canker sores are more likely to occur in those who are stressed. They're also more likely to stick around longer once you get them.
A Sore Mouth
If your mouth sometimes hurts when you wake up, maybe you were grinding your teeth. That's more common in those who perceive themselves to be under great stress.
Weird or Bad dreams
Anxiety and stress are some of the most common causes of bad dreams. They're part of your brain's attempt at processing negativity and stress.They but they also disrupt sleep which leads to more stress... and more nightmares.
Its important to deal with your stress before it deals with you.
If you’re concerned and want to know more, get back to me and I’ll be glad to share more.
email 3
free content will be very short
2 very short 3 sentence paragr.
Then Joy 10x note? &
INvite to Taste of / Dream Call
End with
The Only Stress Habit You Can Control--Your Attitude
Are you constantly worrying, talking negative to yourself, or setting unrealistic goals to achieve? This is bringing unnecessary stress into your life. Tell yourself, everything will be okay and set goals that are achievable. Once you change your attitude and put a positive spin on situations in your life, you will feel your stress level go down.
This May Be…
The Simplest Answer to Stress
NOTES for email
Stress is caused and/ or made worse by not Drinking Enough Water
You can get sick from not drinking enough and, if the truth be known, drinking more water could keep many out ot the hospitals. That simple act lowers your brain power as well.
The link between water and stress is well documented. All of our organs, including our brains, need water to function properly. If you’re dehydrated, your body’s not running well and WILL run amok if the problem isn’t addressed. A poorly hydrated body equals a dysfunctional body and mind-- and that means distress. Studies show that if you're just 2 cups low on water that can increase your stress hormones. So if you’re looking for a simple way to unwind from your stress-filled life, drink a glass of water!
The link between water and stress is well documented. All of our organs, including our brains, need water to function properly. If you’re dehydrated, your body isn’t running well -- and that can lead to stress. Studies show that if you're just half a liter down on water (dehydrated) that can increase your stress hormones. So if you’re looking for a simple way to unwind from your stress-filled life, drink a glass of water!
That doesn’t mean that drinking plenty of water throughout the day will magically cause your money problems, your kids’ troubles at school, and your deadlines at work to disappear. But if you’re already stressed by coping with all of these things, you don’t need the additional stress of dehydration to add to your burden.
“You’re actually likely to get more dehydrated when you’re under stress, because your heart rate is up and you’re breathing more heavily, so you’re losing fluid,” says Renee Melton, MS, RD, LD, director of nutrition for Sensei, a developer of online and mobile weight loss and nutrition programs. “And during times of stress, you’re more likely to forget to drink and eat well. Just getting enough fluids helps to keep you at your best during times like these.”
You're not drinking enough water if this happens to you
Our exact hydration requirements vary. Factors such as exercising, temperature, illness, and pregnancy can all impact fluid needs.
The dangers of dehydration are universal. We all know the obvious symptoms such as thirst, a dry mouth, and a dark-colored urine. But many are chronically dehydrate. being accustomed to that unbalanced state, they don't really notice the problem. But there are other ways that your body can communicate that it needs more fluids.
If you're not drinking enough water, you may be overweight or experience weight gain.
If you're not sure why you've put on a few extra pounds, it could be because you're not drinking enough water. Drinking water increases feelings of satiety, meaning a feeling of fullness. This could be why researchers have found a link between obesity and inadequate hydration."
One reason for the connection between hydration and BMI may be the fact that people often misinterpret thirst as hunger, thus filling up on calories when what they really need is fluids. According to the Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation, 37 percent of individuals mistake thirst for hunger. Registered dietitian Trista Best explained that this mix-up in signals can cause "late-night binge eating, overeating at meal times, and chronic snacking." The next time you think you're hungry, you may want to drink a glass of water before immediately reaching for a snack.
If you're having heart trouble, you may not be drinking enough water
Not drinking enough water can have major consequences for your cardiovascular health.
your blood volume, or the amount of blood circulating through your body, decreases. To compensate, your heart beats faster, increasing your heart rate and your blood pressure." Your blood also retains more sodium when you're dehydrated, thus thickening your blood and making it more difficult to circulate through your body.
When it comes to heart health, dehydration may well be as bad for the body as smoking a cigarette. Even very mild dehydration can be bad for your heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and while there are many contributing factors, dehydration is an easily preventable one.
If your blood pressure is out of whack, you may not be drinking enough water
Doctors say dehydration can both raise and lower blood pressure, both of which can be dangerous if left unchecked. Without enough fluids in your system, blood volume decreases, which lowers blood pressure. Likewise, low blood volume caused by dehydration and an increased concentration of salt in circulation and can release a hormone that causes narrowing and tightening of blood vessels leading to an increase in blood pressure.
Stroke and heart disease are common problems in the United States, affecting almost half of U.S. adults.
Are You Chronically Tired? You may need to drink more water
If you constantly feel tired and it's a struggle to make it through your day, you're not alone. 76 percent of participants in surveys felt tired at work, 53 percent felt less productive, and 44 percent had difficulty concentrating. While there are many reasons you may be feeling fatigued and distracted, dehydration is an often overlooked cause.
This "Fatigue-inertia" makes tasks seem more difficult, impacts sleep quality and can make you feel sluggish during the day. It can negatively affect your sleep in a few ways, making you even more tired the next day.
Not drinking enough water can impair brain function
When it comes to your hydration level, your urine may be the best indicator of whether or not you need to drink more fluids. According to Healthline, urine the color of lemonade or light beer indicates optimal hydration, while anything darker is a sign of dehydration.
Stress and Dehydration: Breaking the Cycle
Stress can cause dehydration, and dehydration can cause stress. It’s a vicious cycle. You can break it by building more water consumption into your day. “Stress can result in many of the same responses as dehydration -- increased heart rate, nausea, fatigue, headache -- so if you can remain hydrated you can reduce the magnitude of the physiological responses we have to stress,” says Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT, managing director of Baptist Sports Medicine in Nashville.
4. Campaign Four-- is Partial use of Start with an Experience Campaign to be offered
along with my free gift offer – offered on a limited basis thru email, Chatterbox etc.
Needs- Assets
- Offer is a free Client Dream Call with Mini-Joy Reboot: De- Stress to Happiness & Health – geared to launch clients for better eating and Health call
- Dream Call Offer - Personal Prep for the Experience-- ON PAPER
eg. - an outline of the questions you plan to ask on the call I HAVE ON PAPER
- an outline of how you present the offer on the call I HAVE ON PAPER
TO DO **************************************
- EMAIL INVITES- an email and/or text invites people to Freebie above and includes info inviting people to get on the phone with you Right now this Free Client call offer is included in the Fast Start Free Gift email.
LINK From ABOVE NOT yet done WITH a calendly link for booking a simple call or the Start with an Experience session or Mini-Joy Reboot SEE LINKS ABOVE
Client Dream Mini-Joy Reboot call specifically needs
TO DO **************************************
BELOW NOT yet done
- an application form to tell more about the Client Dream Mini-Joy Reboot call with the form to apply
- a confirmation/ Thank you page once they opt-in to the call may also include
- follow-up message/s once they’ve signed up to get them ready for the session
- follow-up message/s after the call?
May later add ---
- a series of emails inviting people specifically to the Mini-Joy Reboot AND/OR Client Call
- FB INVITES - a FB message invite to call plus - a series of
- follow-up FB messages, emails and/or texts if: a) no response, b) engagement but no call booked c) a call is booked-- want to nurture them before the call
4. Campaign Four-- is Partial use of Start with an Experience Campaign to be offered
along with my free gift offer – offered on a limited basis thru email, Chatterbox etc.
Needs- Assets
- Offer is a free Client Dream Call with Mini-Joy Reboot: De- Stress to Happiness & Health – geared to launch clients for better eating and Health call
- Dream Call Offer - Personal Prep for the Experience-- ON PAPER
eg. - an outline of the questions you plan to ask on the call I HAVE ON PAPER
- an outline of how you present the offer on the call I HAVE ON PAPER
TO DO **************************************
- EMAIL INVITES- an email and/or text invites people to Freebie above and includes info inviting people to get on the phone with you Right now this Free Client call offer is included in the Fast Start Free Gift email.
LINK From ABOVE NOT yet done WITH a calendly link for booking a simple call or the Start with an Experience session or Mini-Joy Reboot SEE LINKS ABOVE
Client Dream Mini-Joy Reboot call specifically needs
TO DO **************************************
BELOW NOT yet done
- an application form to tell more about the Client Dream Mini-Joy Reboot call with the form to apply
- a confirmation/ Thank you page once they opt-in to the call may also include
- follow-up message/s once they’ve signed up to get them ready for the session
- follow-up message/s after the call?
May later add ---
- a series of emails inviting people specifically to the Mini-Joy Reboot AND/OR Client Call
- FB INVITES - a FB message invite to call plus - a series of
- follow-up FB messages, emails and/or texts if: a) no response, b) engagement but no call booked c) a call is booked-- want to nurture them before the call