All links to assets are in my Campaigns listed below
My Campaigns are :
1. Chatterbox campaign
2. Free Gift-- Fast Results Campaign
3. Start with an Experience Campaign: Hook Them With a Taste of What You Do
--Dream Call Offer & Beta Course Im launching
&/or Perfect Email w gift
2 campaigns STACK--
1. Chatterbox campaign can lead to Fast Result freebie &/ or Start with an Experience Chatterbox Campaign for my Beta launch
Needs- - a payment method w link
- a calendly link-- email enabled-- for booking calls
Link to both calendar & payment is here >>>
--List of people I will reach out to I HAVE ON PAPER
- a script – w opening hello for old friends I HAVE ON PAPER
- an outline of the questions to ask on the call to qualify prospects I HAVE ON PAPER
- an outline of my offer presentation on the call--
find outline here
2. Fast Results Gift Campaign can also go to ? Start With an Experience Campaign my Dream Call freebie & upcoming Beta Course offer
Digital gift Needs--:
- the freebie itself
LINK to pdf is at
- an opt-in page for the gift fast result freebie
link here
- a value delivery page where you deliver the freebie
- a series of emails inviting people to fast result gift freebie see below
NOT yet done
- a confirmation page once they opt-in for the freebie
NOT yet done
- follow-up messages delivering the freebie and encouraging consumption
NOT yet done
My 3rd Campaign as described BELOW IS NOT LAUNCHED and may not launch--
3. Start with an Experience Campaign, would include--
- follow-up messages inviting them to the Start with an Experience Campaign, etc. PLUS
- a calendly link for booking simple call or Start with an Experience session/ Dream Call etc.
- direct Start with an Experience session invites for people on your list who don’t sign up for the Fast Result
in creation---
Start with an Experience Campaign –
Dream Call Offer - Personal Prep for the Experience-- ON PAPER
Offer is a free Client Dream Call with Mini-Joy Reboot: De- Stress to Happiness & Health – geared to launch clients for better eating and Health call
eg. - an outline of the questions you plan to ask on the call I HAVE ON PAPER
- an outline of how you present the offer on the call I HAVE ON PAPER
EMAIL INVITES- an email and/or text inviting people to get on the phone with you
- PREP WITH - a series of follow-up FB messages, emails and/or texts if: a) no response,
c) a call is booked-- and you want to nurture them before the call
- Follow- ups TO BE GENERATED-
FB INVITES - a FB message invite to call PREP NOW
WITH - a series of follow-up FB messages, emails and/or texts for the above possibiliites
Follow- ups TO BE GENERATED-
EMAILS ETC Prospect contact Points:
- a series of emails inviting people to the Mini-Joy Reboot AND/OR Client Call
WITH a calendly link for booking a simple call or the Start with an Experience session or Mini-Joy Reboot SEE LINKS ABOVE
- a confirmation/ Thank you page once they opt-in to DREAM CALL or Mini-Joy Reboot-- may include
- follow-up message/s once they’ve signed up to get them ready for the session
- follow-up message/s after the call?
All links to assets are in my Campaigns listed above